To manifest things in a prosperous way, write your intentions to a leaf of Bay, and cast Thy spell at dawn of new day. Over the flame, visualize a wish you can claim, may it be health, success or fame, your intentions must hold true all the same.
Keeping The Peace Spell : Obj: To combat negativity, drama & unwanted energies. To fill you home, sacred space & self with peaceful energy. You will need: White sage leaves White sage smudge wand or incense Black onyx crystals aqua aura crystals Clear Quartz ( optional with point ) ( Optional alternative ) black salt ( optional alternative) Blue sand X4 black candles ( Black Moon Candles optional) X 1 white candle Matches or lighter Perform: on a morning when you feel happy & positive. Refreshed & vibrant. When you feel you can momentarily forget any Drama or negativity. - Begin by cleaning your surface. -Play some gentle & peaceful music. -You may use this time to smudge your...
During the time leading up to the witchcraft trials in Europe, the bread was made with rye. In a small town where the bread was fresh baked this was just fine, but as Europe began to urbanize and the bread took more time to get from bakery to grocer, the rye bread began to host a mold called "ergot". Ergot, in high doses, can be lethal, a fact that led to the rise in popularity of wheat bread. In smaller doses, ergot is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. it became quite popular among those who were inclined towards herbalism and folk cures. Ergot is mentioned in Shakespeare's plays, and turns up in virtually every contemporary writing of the witchcraft age. In...
Salt is one of the purest substances that comes from earth. It offers healing and protective properties and can clear the energy in any room. Salt is often used to remove or keep away any negative energy within or around your aura or home and it is said that laying down iron & salt at the entrances of your home will keep out the bad vibes or negative baggage from guests who enter. For centuries Black Salt has often been used for Hex or Curse breaking, because Salt is a powerful absorber of psychic energy & can help against possible psychic attacks, which usually occur when spirits chord themselves to a person. Salt has the unique ability to also transmit...
The power of positivity over negativity is some of the most powerful magick you can work. Incorporating it into your daily life however, isn't always so easy. We tend to grow up with a set mindset, which can be instilled by our parental influences or our own experiences, because negativity is easier to achieve than positivity, we tend to go the easy way out. However, I assure you, training yourself to be positive in every way is most definitely much more rewarding. So I have created a list of 12 things that you can start doing to jump start a life full of smiles, wealth, good health & abundance on every level. 1.) It's in your food Consuming foods...