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  What is an Empath? It is someone who is very empathetic to the energies around them, soaking in the vibrations around them, old or new from objects, places & people, which in return can affect one's mood greatly, especially if you are unaware of your clairvoyant connection. If this is you, I encourage you to read on...  When you are an Empath, it is easy to find yourself on a roller-coaster of emotions. However, it's important to remember that these are not your own emotions, but the emotions of all those who surround you, whether happy, sad or angry, you are going to absorb this clash of feelings, leaving you tired and aggravated at the end of each day....

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Using Salt In Magick

Salt is one of the purest substances that comes from earth. It offers healing and protective properties and can clear the energy in any room. Salt is often used to remove or keep away any negative energy within or around your aura or home and it is said that laying down iron & salt at the entrances of your home will keep out the bad vibes or negative baggage from guests who enter. For centuries Black Salt has often been used for Hex or Curse breaking, because Salt is a powerful absorber of psychic energy & can help against possible psychic attacks, which usually occur when spirits chord themselves to a person. Salt has the unique ability to also transmit...

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