"Keeping the Peace" Spell


Keeping The Peace Spell :

Obj: To combat negativity, drama & unwanted energies. To fill you home, sacred space & self with peaceful energy.

You will need:
White sage leaves
White sage smudge wand or incense
Black onyx crystals
aqua aura crystals
Clear Quartz ( optional with point )
( Optional alternative ) black salt
( optional alternative) Blue sand
X4 black candles ( Black Moon Candles optional)
X 1 white candle
Matches or lighter

Perform: on a morning when you feel happy & positive. Refreshed & vibrant.  When you feel you can momentarily forget any Drama or negativity.

- Begin by cleaning your surface.
-Play some gentle & peaceful music.
-You may use this time to smudge your space & self.
- Inhale a deep breath of positivity & exhale any distracting negative thoughts, clear your mind. Repeat a few times if needed.
- Light a white candle for purity.
" I now open a door to Love & Light "
- Gather your Black Onyx crystals and/or black salt. Holding them all together you can run them through the sage smoke & candle light. " I now bless these stones to bring protection and barriers against negativity. "
- Starting at the top of your pentacle star, form the shape of an upright point / pyramid. Then one by one, continue to place the stones or salt in very straight lines, until you form a 5 pointed pentacle. Keep you intention strong of building the barriers against negativity or drama. Envision building protective walls in each element as you do so.
- Next, move to your Aqua Aura Quartz and/ or blue sand.   Holding these items, run them again through the sage smoke & candle light. " I welcome the energy of peace & invite a ring of light to surround me." Now focused on an energy of calming light     Surrounding each "barrier wall" & yourself, begin to create a ring around your pentacle star. Start at the top point and work clockwise until complete, one stone at a time.
- Next place a black candle in each direction, North, East, South & West. As you light each candle, invite it's energy to help keep the peace. " I invite the energy of the North, to help keep the peace." ... and so forth.
- Take your master clear Quartz ( tumbled, sphere or point ) & run it through your sage smoke. Then hold it over the light of each black candle, starting at one and working clockwise. " May you take in this protective light from the North & illuminate peace." Repeat over each candle for each direction. Place your Master Quartz Crystal in the center of your pentacle star.  Take a moment to absorb this energy.
- Lastly take your White Sage Leave and in your hand, crush them up and you sprinkle them clockwise around the perimeter of your circle. " May this energy be at peace, may this Sage purify this space, bringing protection, love & light to my mind, body & spirit. Blessed Be."

- Sit in reflection of the peaceful energy you created. Go into a meditation in you feel the need to. Hold this positive energy close to your heart. Let the candles burn down. Let the peace be kept.

Brightest Blessings,
~ Jenna