The best way to serve others, is to evolve yourself. Spend time sharping & enhancing your natural abilities & talents, then share them with the world. This is your Divine purpose. As simple as it may seem to some, others will still be in doubt of "what their life's purpose is," and to those I say, be still & listen to your heart. For the answers are already inside you, so there is no need to go searching or looking for them in other places. The things that you are naturally good at, you talents, special abilities, things that interest you & bring you great joy, that is your calling in life, part of the soul's Divine contract. However,...
Under a New Moon, when we are in the 'void,' the very essence of new beginning and fresh starts, make a commitment to reconnect to your spiritual path; whether you feel you have gone off course or not, you can deepen your connection to the divine with this New Moon Spiritual Guidance Spell & Meditation Ritual. What You Will Need: A BLACK CANDLE (representing the void & your subconscious) OR - PURPLE CANDLE (representing the 6th chakra and your third eye intuition). CRYSTALS OF : SMOKY QUARTZ or BLACK MOONSTONE ( for shadow work & subconscious awareness) LABRADORITE ( for calming the mind, heightened clairvoyant, emotional strength, deepened meditation) CITRINE ( for prosperity & abundance in your divinationwork ) QUARTZ...
Before our incarnation here on earth, we agreed upon a Divine Contract. Yes, our guides and angels are always with us, watching us, guiding us and protecting us. However, there is one thing they cannot do without permission from Us, that is, interfering with our free-will. When we are down and out, and choose the path of self destruction, whether through negative talk, anger or the use of different substances to make us "feel-good." We still tend to feel so lost, because nothing we do seems to pull us out of this low vibrational feeling. Well, there is something you can do, for some of us it takes practice and releasing the ego, long enough to 'Ask for Help.' There...
Palmistry is also known as Chiromancy or 'cheiromancy' The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, or chirologists. Palmistry is said to have originated in India, spreading its way throughout China finding it’s way to Egypt, Greece and then to Europe more than 5,000 years ago. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice Palm Reading are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, or chirologists. Modern palmists often combine traditional predictive techniques with psychology, holistic healing, and alternative methods of divination. Despite its suppression throughout the Middle Ages and the prohibited use of it during the...