SAMHAIN SPELL BOX. A Scrying Kit For Divination, Protection & Seance
Once they are sold out they will not be offered again this year.
Limited supply.
This collection was created to help you pierce the veil & channel spirit, especially when the veil between the worlds is at it's thinnest, during the time of Samhain. There are a total of 7 magickal goodies to help you set the tone, awaken your senses & invite the elements for a scrying session, while also providing spiritual protection. Each spell box holds enough items to be used for multiple uses, however herbs, candles, crystals & incense can always be replaced, added to or removed, depending on what you are drawn to do. Each black spell box measures 9" x 6.5" x 3" with informative labels & items displayed on a bed of shimmering shredded paper.
Each kit holds a value of $90+.
* Sample Size : MUGWORT Dried Herbs.
* Sample Size: PUTKA PODS Herbs.
( Herbs will come in a Drawstring bags, to reduce plastic use.
* Roll-On 1/3oz. Size: SAMHAIN OIL
More info on items below:
Samhain (pronounced SaH-Win) is an old Gaelic tradition that marks the end of the harvest season & the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox & 'Darker half' of the year. Traditionally held on Oct. 31st, rituals of Divination to contact the dead & practices of door-to-door Guising were celebrated as a custom to help protect & bless one's soul from any lurking evil. Samhain is a time of reflection and change, celebrated as the Witch's New Year, this is an important month for the remembrance of ancestors, seance work & manifestation of your future. Protection during this time is of importance, as the veil between the spirit world & ours is at it's thinnest. With psychic awareness at a heightened level, Magickal powers grow stronger as well. It is wise to take care of how you process your thoughts & actions during the month of Samhain.
Color is powerful & can creates doorways to heal our own chakras, inspiring new life for each new intent. Black Vibrates to the energy of the Cosmos, the void & the mysteries of the universe, as well as ourselves. It ties in all natural energies and enhanced magick from deep within. It inspires a balance to understand our shadow self & work from our hidden powers. It triggers subconscious thought to become clarified in dreams or astral projections. It offers enhanced protection as all the energies act as a natural shield. It inspires one to look deep, travel further & awaken in the dark, to light the internal flame. Keep these keywords in mind when working with this beautiful color energy.
Mugwort has been used by magickal practitioners for ages as a dream associative & enhancing psychic skills. It calms the energy of a person, especially when ingested as a tea & helps to awaken the Third Eye, aiding in deeper subconscious travel & spirit world communications. It enhances dreamwork, helping one to better recall dreams for journaling & deciphering messages. When burned as an incense at Samhain, it works as an offering to call upon the Ancestors, Creating a stronger bond between the thin veil of the physical world & spirit world. Mugwort is an important herb to incorporate into practice, when one is trying to awaken their psychic senses & evolve spiritually.
The Raven, often viewed in cultures as a symbol of death & darkness, but we must remember that without darkness there is no light, and without death, there is no life. Making the Raven & the Crow a powerful symbol of the balance in the cycle of life. Much like the Hindu God, Lord Shiva, bringer of destruction, the Raven is a scavenger & will feast among the dead, carrying away the physical body & releasing the spirit back into the Void. Leaving this curious animal to be so closely tied to the spirit world & all the mysteries that dwell within it. These very intelligent animals have away about them, not much like any other animal on Earth, they are observers, overlooking the slightest movement below. They are great problem solvers in their solitary ways & powerful communicators. The Raven is vibrationally tied to the great Morrigan (aka) 'Phantom Queen', a respected prophetess & Celtic Goddess. In the Welsh culture, the Raven works as a messenger from our ancestors, bringing us warnings & guidance along our journey. It serves as a vessel of powerful magick & ancestral memories to aid our practices. The Raven has much to tell us.
Black Obsidian releases imbalances and negative energies, creating a shield of protection against any lurking spirits of lower vibrations, to help bring about a safe communication with lost loved one's during All Hallow's Eve. This powerful candle can aid in protection during a thin veil between the worlds and boost your divination & clairvoyant qualities, while dispelling any negative energies or low vibrational spirits, so that you may safely and comfortably connect to those who have walked before you this Samhain.
Samhain Scrying Session: Begin with clearing the space of negativity. Cast your circle & begin a meditation of Light. Setting the Obsidian Sphere in the center, Light your Incense to pierce the veil Place the Putka Pods in a circle around the sphere. Anoint your candle with oil, then roll in mugwort. Place candles in a triangle around sphere and light each candle. Let the mind’s eye gaze onto the sphere, call upon spirit. When finished, thank the spirits & close the circle.
Samhain Blessings,
~ Jenna
*All sales are final.