Mending a Broken Heart SPELL

You Will Need:  
* Dried Rose Petals (Pink or Red)
* Dried Witch Hazel
*Mortar & Pestle 
* Sharp Scissors 
* 'Healing' Oil / Oil Blend 
* Red Embroidery Thread 
* Orange Candle ( For Mending )
* A piece of Clear Quartz
* A small Piece of Rose Quartz
* Red Felt Fabric 
* A Lighter 
* A Smudge Wand
 ( White Sage or Lavender )
* Storage Bag for Heart / Sachet
Cleansing /intention Prayer:
" I Consecrate these tools for healing a heart.
I set the intention for a fresh start."
Consecration blessing :
" Love is true, the heart be not broken,
Love starts within, new love is awoken.
Take this energy to intertwine,
the mending of a heart that needs to shine.
I cast this spell to heal & grow,
The heart now intact, this I now know."