RESTORE VOTIVE CANDLE. For Good Health & Positive Well-Being.
Sometimes we forget to stop & focus time & energy on ourselves & our health. We forget that health is everything, as we cannot make do without good health. Our lives & the quality we live them can begin to deteriorate before we even notice, because are attention is often diverted on mundane happenings. This blend conjure an energy that helps to remind us what it is to be in good health & good spirits, as it diminishes lower vibrations from our minds, so what can focus attention to what is really important. Once we start to rebuild & restore our health, thinking process & the way we choose to live, we change everything about our lives in a positive manner.
Juniper works to awaken creativity, activating the throat chakra & helping one to find the true joy in self expression. Historically, Juniper was often hung at the front door to reflect evil spirits, bad elements & sickness. It's crisp, pungent & strong aroma awakens many of the senses, aiding in growth towards enlightenment & drastically raising one's vibrations. Honeysuckle, blends in, to harmonize the heart, bringing in & enhancing one's true beauty & further connecting the soul to the roots of Mother Nature, enhancing deep spiritual healing on many levels. Green Opal works off energies of the heart, to help us embrace love, spreading this energy throughout our aura, so we can raise our vibrations and attract positive self love & heal ourselves.
You can use this 2oz. All Natural Votive candle for spells, rituals, meditations or just the aromatherapy that it offers. This Votive is made up of hand ground Resins, scented with essential oil & charged with a crystal chip gemstone, placed in each votive. The magickal aura around each votive is powerful on its own, creating a shift in energy of any room it is left in. If placed in a glass or tin votive holder this candle will burn for about 15 hours or about 5 hours if burned as is. A paper core wick is used, for a clean burn, as oppose to the often used toxic zinc core wicks. Made with organic Palm Wax. :)
In Love & Light,
~ Jenna
**All sales are final. **
*Buyers: Store in cool dry place, keep from heat or direct sunlight. Never leave a lit candle unattended or near flammable items such as curtains. Always think of safety when using open flame*
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