DISCONTINUED: EUCALYPTUS DRIED BOTANICAL. Decorative Herb For Healing, Protection & Aura Cleanse White Witch Parlour
DISCONTINUED: EUCALYPTUS DRIED BOTANICAL. Decorative Herb For Healing, Protection & Aura Cleanse White Witch Parlour

DISCONTINUED: EUCALYPTUS DRIED BOTANICAL. Decorative Herb For Healing, Protection & Aura Cleanse

Regular price $32.00 Sale price $26.99
Meant to spice up the Witchy aesthetic or an Herbalist vibe within your sacred space, these beautiful bundles of Eucalyptus, come dried, with a calming color perfect for any home decor, ready for you to hang near a hearth or place on an altar in a precious vase. These all natural, decorative bundles measure approx. 20 -25" long, with about 6oz. of dried Eucalyptus stems.
Healing comes to us when we open ourselves to it. Eucalyptus carries strong healing vibration with it & it is said it you light a blue or white candle in the middle of a ring of Eucalyptus leaves, while focusing your 'trouble spot' healing, the Universe will hear your prayers & send forth powerful healing energy. Eucalyptus has long been used in spells or ritual to cast out evil, making it a frequently hung herb over doors & windows in the early days. The protection & good health that it brings, makes it an ideal ingredient for potions or sachets that require harvesting earthly energies to find grounding & channeling higher vibrational entities into one's aura.

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus Globulus
Element Correspondences: Air
Planetary Correspondences: Moon
Zodiac Correspondences: Pisces, Cancer
Magickal Uses: Healing, Warding off Evil, Protection, Healing Sickness, Energy Clearing, Purification, Spiritual Growth, Raising Vibrations, Exorcisms, Banishing, Healing Addiction. 
Magickal Tip: To help a sick loved one or to protect your valuables, place Eucalyptus leaves near a photo of the one that needs healing or near a jewelry box.
Chakras:  Root (1st) & Heart (4th) 
Holistic Uses:  Bathing in Eucalyptus, helps to detox the body and rid one of a cold or flu. It is also known to heal lung congestion & open up the nasal passageways for a stuffy nose or slight Asthma attack, by gently & deeply breathing in the natural aroma or broken leaves. 

Magickal Blessings,
~ Jenna 
* All Sales Final.  Herbs & information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease or ailment. Please seek medical attention if needed & always do research before consuming herbs or resins. Many contain natural high medicinal properties, which may be toxic to pets, small children & Women who are nursing or pregnant.
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