AURA CLEANSE VOTIVE CANDLE. All Natural Frankincense Resin, White Sage Essential Oil & Bloodstone Crystal
This relaxing & purifying blend was created to help you detox from any negative energies, offering a physical & spiritual cleanse to the aura. It can help to awaken the chakra centers & inspire new energies to promote healing & the raising of one's vibrations. Frankincense holds such powerful properties for purification of the body, mind & spirit, for meditation, prayer or magickal practices, in which the user intends to build a stronger connection to source / God. Frankincense can bring about intense spiritual growth as it works to clear the chakras & energy bodies of any negativity, offering protection & strength. White Sage can be used to spiritually cleanse spaces, houses, rooms or environments of any kinds of subtle, old energies and prepare the space with fresh intent. It can also be used to cleanse the aura of a person from stagnant old energies to prepare for ceremony or spiritual work. Bloodstone encourages selflessness and idealism. Assists in acting in the present moment. Bloodstone calms and revitalizes the mind, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making.
You can use this 2oz. All Natural Votive candle for spells, rituals, meditations or just the aromatherapy that it offers. This Votive is made up of hand ground Resins, scented with essential oil & charged with a crystal chip gemstone, placed in each votive. The magickal aura around each votive is powerful on its own, creating a shift in energy of any room it is left in. If placed in a glass or tin votive holder this candle will burn for about 15 hours or about 5 hours if burned as is. A paper core wick is used, for a clean burn, as oppose to the often used toxic zinc core wicks. Made with organic Palm Wax. :)
In Love & Light,
~ Jenna
**All sales are final. **
*Buyers: Store in cool dry place, keep from heat or direct sunlight. Never leave a lit candle unattended or near flammable items such as curtains. Always think of safety when using open flame*
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