YOUTHFUL Elixir INCENSE. 20 Stick Pack. Peach & Vanilla. Blessed by Aquamarine & Moonstone. White Witch Parlour

YOUTHFUL Elixir INCENSE. 20 Stick Pack. Peach, Vanilla. Blessed by Aquamarine, Moonstone.

Regular price $11.00

As we grow older, we are often taught that it is inappropriate to "act" immature. We are told we must "grow up," "take responsibility," and overall become more serious in life. However, this is not the only option to lead a successful & abundant life. In fact, some of the happiest people in the world are those who do not take life so seriously, they find the joy in the little things, the positives out of a negative & the laughter in hard times. These are people who have maintained the essence of their childlike spirit, and often with it their own 'elixir of life;' keeping a forever youthful glow to their aura. This energy is highly admirable, as it is so easy to become caught up in a mundane & 'serious' world. In the end, it is the eyes, in which you choose to see your surroundings, that will create the atmosphere you choose to have as your reality. 

This playful, warm & inviting scent works to bring the bright smiles & silly laughter back into your life. Inspiring creativity & natural intuition, Vanilla warms the heart, bringing comfort & sweet memories back into one's energy. The familiar scent of Peaches, allow's flashbacks of a warm summer's eve, swimming, relaxing & playing without a care in the world. Mixed with Aquamarine, a stone of hope, good health & youth, you may find yourself embarking on new adventures as you reconnect with a younger spirited you. Moonstone helps to bring balance to this blend, allowing you to still take care of matters, but leaving the worries behind. Moonstone softens our ego, allowing our feminine nature to shine through, in full youth & true beauty.
My prayer for use:
" With my youth in full swing, I am rejuvenated with new wings. Lifting me into energy newly found, I find a playful glow within & around. "

These wonderful handmade alchemy incense sticks burn for approximately 50- 60 minutes each and are made up of pressed charcoal sticks, crystal energies, fragrance oils & essential oils. There are 20 magickal sticks in each pack, that yield beautiful and lingering aroma wherever they are burned. These powerful incense can aid wonderful cheer, dispelling any negative energy & allowing for a more connected approach to your practices. They are blessed with chip stones of Moonstone & Aquamarine crystals.

Blessings on your youthful journey,
~ Jenna

All Sales Final*
Not Meant for consumption.
Keep out of heat and direct sunlight.

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