BLUE RITUAL SALT. Throat. Blessed with Sodalite & Peppermint on a Full Moon
Handmade Colored Ritual Salts work with the enchantment of color vibration & the purification properties of salts. Blessed with reiki energy, associated crystals & Peppermint powder, this salt can be used in large or small amounts to enhance the magick you cast into the universe. Made under the healing energy of the Full Moon, salts work to shed any and all negative energy, offering protection & enhancing manifestation power by healing the associated chakras & advancing their properties.
Blue salt can be used for protection against the evil eye or finding justice to a situation. It works with the Throat Chakra, activating your artistic expression or business communication skills. You can use blue salt by sprinkling it around your craft or design workspace, to enhance your creativity. Blue salt promotes honesty, which heals us from holding back our true emotions; something that can later lead to unhappiness & discomfort in life. Through this we learn to take responsibility for our own needs, because when we help ourselves, we can help the many. Vibrationally, Blue inspires a calming & tranquil energy, reminding us to just ' go with the flow.' This blue salt is also blessed with Sodalite, a crystal that helps one to live up to their own ideals & better understand the nature of truth. It stimulates wisdom through a creative journey, which in return helps to develop one's intuition, by learning to fully trust your own energy. Salt in general holds very powerful properties as it is the one of the most purest substances we have on earth, helping us as a powerful tool in consecration, cleansing & purification.
This lovely little non-glass apothecary bottle holds 1.25oz of crystal blessed colored ritual salt. It is adorned with a beautiful silver Triquetra charm, representing mind, body & spirit (amongst many other spiritual meanings.)
Ways to use your Ritual Salts:
*Roll a candle of associated color in the salt for purification & color magick.
* Lay down small amounts of associated color to crystals that need to be cleansed & re-charged of their energies.
* Pour small amounts over each chakra on the body while lying down in a meditation, for chakra clearing & color vibrational therapy.
* Add a small amount of associated colored ritual salts to water (or bath water), to bless & charge the water before spellcasting or rituals, then use to sprinkle around a sacred space for purification or cleanse ritual items & tools.
*Because salt absorbs negative energy it should only be used once. Change it out or sweep it up weekly or when the air begins to feel oppressive or un-pure. Consider where the negativity will go when discarding the salt.
-Ground it in the earth by burying it in a hidden distant place from your living or working space
-Cast in the wind in a distant place blowing away from your home-work.
-Throw into a fire along with paper where you have written all your worries and whatever else you want to be rid off.
- Cast into running water. This will disperse the energies and cleanse them. (Rivers, creeks, lakes, and oceans.)
Magickal Blessings,
~ Jenna
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