' RICHES ' POWDER INCENSE. For Money Drawing, Financial Attraction & Business Growth. White Witch Parlour
'AMOR' POWDER INCENSE. For Love & Friendship. White Witch Parlour

' RICHES ' POWDER INCENSE. For Money Drawing, Financial Attraction & Business Growth.

Regular price $22.00

An artisan blend of herbs, resins & essential oils turned into a fine powder & charged by Emerald stone to heighten the magick. With a slight pine & cinnamon scent it was created to help open multiple new doorways to financial abundance, positive business flow, wealth attraction & riches.  It is a great tool for those starting new business ventures, wanting to increase money flow into their life or just want to stir up new prosperous energies in the home or place of work. 

a Magical glass apothecary air tight bottle with 2oz. of powder blessed with citrine crystal, to help keep the abundance and money flow energies strong! 

There are several ways to use this powder incense, traditionally it can be burned over hot charcoals, letting the smoke help to create a sacred space, offering or divination tool. You can run a stone like Amethyst through the smoke to clear it and consecrate it with psychic and intuitive energy. The powder can be tossed into an open flame during a ritual or spell casting. You can dress a candle in the powder for clairvoyant energy, during whatever work you may be doing. A potpourri warmer with some of the powder and water, diffuse the scent and properties quite nice. Lastly, you can create a mixture using this powder to custom make your own all natural cone incense. A little goes a long way!

May your wallet expand abundantly in your new wealth ;)
~ Jenna

More Powder Herbal Blends & Accessories Available in my Shop!

* Store in cool, dry place, keep out of direct sunlight- seal tightly.*
Not meant for consumption.

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