Monthly TAROT READING. Instant Digital Download. By The White Witch Parlour

Monthly TAROT READING. Instant Digital Download. By The White Witch Parlour

Regular price $8.88


“ Guide Your Journey “ is a Tarot Reading to provide guidance for the month to come. This 3 card draw is for Past, Present, Future. To show you where you’ve been, where you are & where you’re headed on your spiritual life journey.  It can be for a general reading or you can focus your intent on a specific question/ situation. 

Tarot Spread Delivered by Jenna Caprice. 

The reading includes pictures of the cards intuitively drawn from deck, information on the cards & their meanings along with the color significance of the altar cloth they were matched to, a personalized mantra for inspiration during the month to come & corresponding crystal, herbs & oil recommendations for your journey based on your reading.

Your reading will be done from 1 of 3 possible tarot decks & upon a variety of multiple colored Altar cloths, all intuitively chosen by the tarot reader. Reverse Cards are read as well if they come up in reading.

Your reading conclusion will come to you via email as a 2 Page, Full Color Instant Download that is Printable friendly.
Print or read from your device ( approx. 30MB file size - .PDF File Format ) Save and revisit whenever needed. 

It is Full color imagery and font, which is lovingly put together. 

Directions- When placing your order for your tarot reading: 

1.) Focus on your intention, what is the reason you seek this reading today?

2.) Choose intuitively which # reading you are drawn to. Do not overthink. 

3.) Remember that you can always change any projected outcome if you shift your energy. 

~ Jenna 

* FINAL SALE. Instant download available to email address provided. For Personal Use Only. For entertainment purposes only.


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