The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of Summer on a day usually between June 19th - 25th in the Northern Hemisphere. Also known as Litha or Midsummer, the longest day of the year allows us to fully celebrate the gift of Light. Now that Summer is among us, we must enjoy all the illumination, life & growth, that the Sun provides for us. In witnessing the longest day of the year, we also experience the shortest night of the year & with this we can embrace the light that outweighs the darkness. Pagan cultures often view this as a time to celebrate the full pregnancy of the Goddess & the virility of the Sun God, as He has now reached his peak strength. As the Sun appears to stand still in the sky, we can look to find the balance between Sky & Earth, Fire & Water. By holding a bonfire ritual near a body of water, we invoke an energy that dwells within us, bringing passion & fury, calmness & motion, God & Goddess. Although some can view this time as a battle between light & dark, one can use this time to find the balance within themselves. We can enjoy this new season to get back out in nature, enjoy our communities, friends, family & hobbies, as Summer truly brings a magick all on it's own.
Celebrating Litha
xo ~ Jenna